Lazy Dog Farms is a small family owned and operated farm located in the gentle rolling hills of McNairy County, Tennessee. The 138 acre farm is a mix of produce fields, pastures, woods and several streams.
Produce grows in the low lying flats, while chickens freely roam the pastures. Jersey and Black Angus cows graze on the many acres of Pasture. Heritage Berkshire and Mangalista hogs root amongst the trees in the many acres of woods.
In the summer of 2011 Lazy Dog Farms began as a vision of a sustainable farm. Since the acquisition of the farm it has been our family’s goal to work in harmony with the land.
With the support of family, friends and community Lazy Dog Farms has put down solid roots and continues to grow in diversification with each passing season. 

How We Grow

You eat what we eat!  We produce food with integrity, focusing on nutrient dense, safe, and high quality standards.  Our produce is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals.  Weed management is accomplished through use of mulches,  cultivation and cover crops.  Although we will use OMRI approved  pesticides and fungicides on our produce it is always the last resort.  By providing the proper environmental controls and encouragement of beneficial insects and fungi, we are able to minimize the use of insecticides and fungicides.


Our produce is grown so that we are never concerned if our childern want to sample the freshness of the garden right from the plant!

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Livestock are Family Too!

Our livestock is like an extension of our family.  Our cows graze our pastures and woods while having free choice access to minerals and supplementary alfalfa.  Our cows are not fed a grain ration.  There is no cattle or dairy feed on our farm.

Our pigs are given the chance to live their best piggy life.  They have the luxury of wandering throughout their 2.5 acre pen with multiple cold springs and flowing creeks.  Our pigs get to do their piggy thing while having access to free choice feed.

Our Birds Are on Grass!  Chickens love to eat bugs and clover.  Our layers get to ride around the farm in their fully customized Clucker Mobile, while the broilers cruise around the farm in their custom chicken tractors! Ducks once large enough are introduced into their duck oasis complete with swimming pool and a large red oak tree for shade.

Don’t forget the Bees!  They live with one of the best views of the farm overlooking the orchard and produce field.


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